
Neutral Spine Stabilization Training

Course in Progress

Tools: Articulate Storyline; Snagit; Canva; Powerpoint; Da Vinci Resolve

Time: Ongoing

Client: More Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Clinic

Collaborators: Mark Eastland (SME)

Current Status:

Module 0 and Module 1 Currently being Developed. 

See Instructional Design Document for Module Details

The Challenge

Back-related injuries are one of the most common injuries in the adult workforce. Both mobile and sedentary workers are at risk of developing back and neck pathology. Fortunately, these injuries are largely avoidable with the correct body mechanics and exercises. However, in addition to training the body, half of the problem with rehabilitation and prevention of spinal pathology is training the mind and rewriting bad habits. With a program to educate current and future patients on the why and how of spinal pathology, one can dramatically increase the retention and sustained implementation of spine-safe habits. 

The Solution

MORE Clinic Chiropractic has a long history of successfully treating and rehabilitating patients with back and neck pathology. Over 30+ years, the founder and Clinic Director of Spinal Rehabilitation has developed and delivered an instructional introductory lecture and exercise plan to his patients regarding the causes, treatment and rehabilitation of neck and back pain.  This training aims to develop that information into an eLearning course for patients to complete outside of the clinic to make more efficient use of time during in-person sessions. 

Additionally this eLearning is intended to be marketed for purchase by individuals, corporations, and school districts to help educate learners of all ages and backgrounds in order to prevent future back and neck pathology.

The Results

Results will not be analyzed until the course is complete

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